
Why Digital Education is so important

by | Oct 20, 2022 | Blog

What do we mean when we refer to the term, ‘digital education?’

By definition, digital education incorporates modern technology and digital tools to assist the progress of teaching and learning. This is also often referred to as digital learning.

Think, remote learning, digital learning aids, e-textbooks, mobile learning, e.g. mobile phones, tablet computers, laptops, computers etc and this is generally what is referred to as digital learning or education.

However, there is another side to what we at Village Tech also consider as ‘digital education’ and this forms part of our ethos to bridge the digital divide in South Africa.

We firmly believe that by empowering the nation with Information and Technology skills that this is a path to creating an employable society for the future.

This is why Village Tech not only offers accredited learnerships (NQF qualifications) for those looking for a career in the ICT field, but also SACE accredited Educator Training as well as ICT skills training for upskilling and enhancing one’s career objective.

A digitally educated nation is a powerful nation!

Digital Education is the future

You may have heard the term, The Fourth Industrial Revolution.

The Fourth Industrial Revolution is a term to describe the blurring of boundaries between the physical, digital, and biological worlds.

In simpler terms this refers to the use of technology to augment our lives and to improve productivity.

Think of GPS systems that give us directions, or voice-activated virtual assistants such as Apple’s Siri or Google Assistant, personalized Netflix recommendations, or Facebook recognising your face and tagging you in a friend’s photo.

These are all examples of how technology and AI (Artificial Intelligence) have become embedded in the fabric of society.

McKinsey & Company, a global management consulting firm renowned for its studies into trends and statistics, published a paper in 2019 which it stated that adopting digital technologies early could result in a net gain of 1.2 million jobs for South Africans by 2030.

Their conclusion sums up perfectly why we believe Digital Education is the future and why you should too!

“The implication is clear. South African decision makers, across sectors, must move boldly to ensure that reskilling is sufficient to help reabsorb workers into the workforce. They also need to strengthen the education system to generate technology-related and life skills at sufficient scale. Only then will South Africa successfully manage the massive workforce transformation ahead. Indeed, these steps are essential if the country is to seize technology’s potential to unlock inclusive growth, improve lives, and reduce unacceptably high unemployment levels.”

Preparing for the future

Future South Africa, and indeed globally, will need a new type of adult by 2031. One that is not only immersed in technology but also has a strong technological literacy is able to use, manage, understand and assess technology.

Skills such as empathy, creativity, and higher cognitive thinking need to be taught at school-going age so that they learn the skills that that robots cannot do.

Early introduction of technology in schools is vital if we are to close the gap between where the education sector is currently, and where our future graduates need to be.

Stats SA found that less than one third of households (27,3%) own computers. Ownership ranged from 5,8% for households in quintile 1 to 32,3% for those in quintile 4, and 72,7% for households in quintile 5.

This is why Village Tech exists. To close the gap and provide ICT training across the spectrum from scholars to adults to educators.

Have a look at the courses we offer and take charge of your future today.